Entrepreneur: A new EU funded project, devoted to entrepreneurial preparation for notable and engaging Universities
We are happy to announce that our ‘Entrepreneur’ project was selected for funding, as part of the second call for proposals of the EIT HEI Initiative!
Entrepreneur is a project which aims to support European universities in becoming more entrepreneurial and innovative. By fostering transversal competences of the future along with an entrepreneurial mindset, the consortium of Entrepreneur will secure a new generation of student and academic entrepreneurs and innovators. The project will bring radical change by creating student-centred, non-elitist, open and inclusive universities based on collaboration between higher education institutions, public and private sectors, and citizens.
The ultimate aim is to strengthen the integration within and between innovation ecosystems.
The consortium consists of eight partners:
UniwersytetŚląski w Katowicach, Poland
Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas, Lithuania
Universidad De Castilla – La Mancha, Spain
GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, Cyprus
Teaching Factory Competence Center, Greece
Mälardalen University, Sweden
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
The following activities will be implemented during the project duration:
Enhancing the scale and scope of students’ engagement activities, and improving student support offices, in order for them to receive advice on entrepreneurship and innovation and access to existing education resources on innovation/entrepreneurhsip;
Professionalising existing technology transfer offices;
Exchanging good practices through improved networking and mutual learning;
Collaborating with EIT KICs, through joint networking events and peer-to-peer collaboration to develop innovation and entrepreneurial training programmes and mentoring schemes for university students, academics, staff members, like training camps and courses, innovation and entrepreneurship clubs as well as relevant seminars and workshops.
Developing structures and conditions for people to create or develop their businesses and start-ups, by helping them in identifying ideas/opportunities/business models, understanding start-up challenges
Overall, the consortium will create a scalable model for the development of academic entrepreneurship. This approach will support the innovation and entrepreneurship potential of university students/graduates, staff members and innovators from the consortium, utilising the existing EIT ecosystems and having a long-term and positive impact, even beyond the end of this project.
For more information about the project, you can visit the website and social media accounts of our Entrepreneur project:
1 November 2022